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Built originally to include:
Splash Rails Forward
Center Console Swing-back Seat
V-berth Built-ins (2)
Mooring Eye Thru-bolted at Stem
Mooring Cleat w/ Skene Chocks
Stern Docking Cleats (2)
Tie-off Transom Eyes (2)
Rod Holders (4)
Navigation Lights
Custom Bow Dodger
Molded Console w/ Forward Seat
Console Windshield
Console SS Grab Rail
Console Seat Cushions
Galvanized Trailer
A/F Bottom Painting
Tohatsu 50 hp TLDI
1999 Atlas Bedford 19 Center Console Power Boat with galvanized trailer, a/f bottom painting, red hull color, Yamaha 60.
Seller writes: This 2019 Stuart 19 has a 70 HP Yamaha and a Load Rite Aluminum Trailer.