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1996 JC 9 Sailing Dinghy after fresh factory refurbishment includes:
loft serviced main & jib sails
fresh bottom painting
1995 JC 9 Sailing Dinghy with recent factory refurbishment includes
loft serviced main & jib sails
new two-piece mast with splice
new standing rigging
new running rigging
new tiller extension
new oars with locks
fresh bottom painting
2005 Stuart 9 rowing dinghy with freshly refurbished dark blue hull and buff gray interior gelcoats is presented. Two new drain plugs were installed. The hull bottom was epoxy barrier coated for improved cosmetics and beaching durability. Varnished oars with leathers are included.
1998 JC 9 Sailing Dinghy after fresh factory refurbishment includes:
loft serviced main & jib sails
offset outboard backing plate
two-piece mast with splice
kick-up rudder assembly
tiller extension
wind indicator
tie-off eyes on transom (2)
oars with locks